
Showing posts from November, 2021

Census Vs Sample Survey

  CENSUS VS SAMPLE SURVEY Census Census method is the method of statistical enumeration where  all members of the population  are studied. A population refers to the set of all observations under concern. For example, if you want to carry out a survey to find out student’s feedback about the facilities of your  school , all the students of your school would form a part of the ‘population’ for your study. In our country, the Government conducts the  Census of India  every ten years. The Census appropriates information from households regarding their incomes, the earning members, the total number of children, members of the family, etc. This method must take into account all the units. It cannot leave out anyone in collecting  data. Once collected, the Census of India reveals  demographic information  such as birth rates, death rates, total population,  population growth rate of our country , etc. The last census was conducted in th...

Methods of collecting secondary data

COLLECTION OF SECONDARY DATA Sources of secondary data We know that secondary data are those which have already been collected and analysed by someone else, and as such the problems associated with the original collection of data do not arise here. Secondary data may be either published or unpublished. The sources of published data are usually:- (a) Official publications of the central, state and the local governments. (b) Official publications of the foreign government or international bodies like the United Nations Organization and its subsidiary bodies. (c) Reports and publications of trade associations, chambers of commerce, banks, co-operative societies, stock exchanges, and trade unions, etc. (d) Technical trade journals like the Economics, Indian Journal of Economics, Commerce, Capital, etc., and books and newspapers. (e) Reports submitted by economists, research scholars, university bureaus and various other educational associations, etc.    

Sources of data

  There are two sources of collecting the data 1.       Primary data 2.       Secondary data   Primary data are those which are collected for the first time and are thus original in character, whereas Secondary data are those that have already been collected by others and which ate usually available in journals, magazines or research publications . Primary data are in the shape of raw materials to which statistical methods are applied for the purpose of analysis and interpretation. Secondary data are usually in the shape of finished products since they have been treated statistically in some form or the other. Factors affecting choice of method. It is obvious that the methods of the collection of primary data and secondary data would not be exactly identical because in one case the data have to be originally collected while in the other the work is of the nature of compilation. There are various methods of the collect...


  DATA   It is collection of facts, information, figures to be used for a specific purposes such as survey or analysis.   Types of data 1.       Qualitative data : It represents some characteristics or attributes. It may be observed but cannot be calculated. Example: Intelligence, Honesty, etc.   2.       Quantitative data : This can be represented numerically and calculations can be done. It can be measured but cannot be observed. Example: Height, Weight, etc.     Collection of data Data are in fact the fundamentals of statistics. Therefore, an important step in statistical work is collection of facts and figures (data). A careful study of the technique of collection of data and their presentation in proper form is absolutely necessary as these things for the very foundation of statistical information that has to be provided. Every aspects of the problem has to be carefully exa...

Limitations of Statistics

  Limitation of Statistics The following are some of its important limitations: 1.       Statistics ignores qualitative aspects: Statistics, being a science dealing with a set of numerical data, is applicable to the study of only those subjects of enquiry which are capable of quantitative measurement. As such, qualitative phenomena like honesty, poverty, culture, etc. which cannot be expressed numerically, are not capable of direct statistical analysis. However, statistical techniques may be applied indirectly by first reducing the qualitative expressions to precise qualitative terms. For example, the intelligence of a group of candidates can be studied on the basis of their scores in a certain test. 2.       Statistics does not study individuals: Statistics deals with an aggregate of objects and does not give any specific recognition to the individual items of a series. Individual items, taken separately, do not constitute ...

Importance Of Statistics in Economics

  Importance of Statistics in Economics In modern times, the use of statistics is broad. Statistics play a significant role in the solution of problems related to planning, economics, business, management, mathematics, etc. The importance of statistics in economics are as follows: 1. Helpful in calculating Per Capita Income (PCI): Statistics help us to calculate the PCI. PCI is one of the component of net income (NI) in economics. It is accounted for by the help of NI and the size of the population. Thus, statistics help us in calculating PCI. 2. Helpful in analysing consumer’s satisfaction: The statistical tools help the particular economy to analyze and make a scientific and systematic report of consumer’s satisfaction. It helps in finding out the information about the consumer. So the degree of consumer’s satisfaction can be measured by the numerical evidence with the help of statistics. 3. Helpful in production functions: The relationship between the various factors ...

Fundamental Concept of Statistics - Introduction

  Fundamental Concept of Statistics Introduction to statistics The subject of Statistics, as it seems, is not a new discipline but it is as old as the human society itself. It origin can be traced to the old days when it was regarded as the science of ‘State –craft’. Initially, the concept of statistics started with concept of data collection and something like ‘Political arithmetic’. The king used to collect the information about the people in their states, i.e., they used to collect the data regarding conditions under which people live and work, their health, their incomes and wealth. So, this subject developed as a ‘King’s subject’ or ‘a science of Kings’. The word ‘Statistics’ seems to have been derived from the Latin word ‘status’ or the Italian word ‘statista’ or the German word ‘statistik’ each of which means ‘political state’. Most of the work in the statistical theory during the past few decades can be attributed to a single person Sir Ronald. A Fisher who applied stat...